Thursday, November 10, 2011


In our house we were just counting down the days until we reached October. Each of us had different reasons for the countdown, but all nonetheless could wait for October.
Oak-because he has been so into spooky could not wait for Halloween in all its spookiness to be here.
Krista-because October might be my favorite month with all the leaves changing and cooler weather, pumpkin farms, and I was hoping against all hope that Halloween just might have been the climax to Oak's "fooky" face.

Well, with Halloween come and gone, I can assure you that we are not out of our "fooky" phase quite yet. In fact, just yesterday we made a turkey craft and Oak said it is a vampire turkey! Man! I really thought that it would end! Our little Tim Burton!

October really was an incredible month and continues to be one of my favorite months! One great thing about October is that since Oak is so into spooky that I could get him to do a number of different crafts with me. We made pumpkins, skeletons, spiderwebs, bat cookies, bat costumes and frankenstein cups.

Oak, Lawson and I went to a pumpkin farm with some good friends, including a stop at Starbucks before for some Hot apple cider for mommy and Hot Chocolate for Oak, a spooky corn maze and a spooky hayride. This was all right up Oak's alley.

Brian and opted to leave Lawson at home and take just Oak to the NC State fair, which lately has bitten us in the butt. Oak now asks if we can leave Lawson at home whenever we are going somewhere fun. Oak had a blast again this year at the fair! His favorite thing to do was this pirate obstacle course, and chose cotton candy as his fair snack. He was however, extrememly disappointed in that there was not a haunted house!

We also went to a spooky story time at the Library, which was a blast!

Ahhh! The climax of October has definetly has been Halloween. Oak invited about 6 friends over to our house for a Halloween party the Friday before Halloween! It was so fun to have his friends over in all their costumes and just play and have a good time. Oak picked out all of our food, mummy dogs, sandwitches, frankenstein cups, and spider web cookies. We also had a punch that he was very insistent about putting a frozen hand in, but I nixed that plan.

Finally, Halloween! Wow! Oak picked that this year he wanted to be a vampire and a vampire he was! I couldn't believe that we actually found a vampire costume in his size. Seriously, do other kids his age want to be vampires? Where are you moms? Let's maybe start a support group! Brian completed the look with some fabulous make up and some great hair!

Here are the pictures....if you picture Oak as a sweet innocent little one, please don't look, your eyes might be scarred forever!

Beach Bums

Okay, so this one is way behind! Sorry!

We took a family vacation this summer to the Outer Banks with Brian's family. It was so great to be able to spend the week with his brother and wife and their sweet little girl, Ava. Ava is just a little bit older than Lawson and super, super sweet. Next year they will just be running around together! Crazy!

Oak might be the biggest beach bum that I know! Seriously, he loved the ocean and the beach and even took a nap one day on the beach. What!?!? Anyone who knows Oak, knows how amazing this is for him. You can't get the kid to sit still.

Lawson was a little too young to really appreciate the beach, but I think that she loved it. She took some of her best naps while we were down by the ocean. I think that she is going to be a water baby too.

I am kind of weird and don't really love to go out of town. The days leading up to going out of town really stress me out and the thought of all the unpacking and laundry ugh! Brian really has to convince me that we need vacations otherwise I think we would never go anywhere. I am so glad that we went on this trip and have such sweet memories of our kids and with family at the beach!

Enjoy the pics!

Baby Proofing

LaLa, LaLa bean, bean, sweet girl, Law, Law-son (said in a very annoyed 3 year tone), whatever we call her she has just been an amazing addition to our family.

She is now 8 months old and will be 9 months on the 21st. Time goes much faster the second time around! She continues to delight and amaze us each day and she just might be the best baby I have ever been around. Seriously.

I really believe that I have not heard her cry more than about 30 seconds and that is only if she is hurt or super tired.

She is on the go! Man, this is a girl that knows what she wants and goes after it! She began "zombie" crawling between 6 and 7 months. She would drag one of her arms and her body along the floor to get where she needed to be. She has just recently in the past few days began to crawl on all fours. She is into everything. Seriously, the other day I left for maybe 1/2 a second and she had found her way into my laundry basket pulling out all the clean (and folded) laundry. She is pulling up on everything and trying to stand on her own. Wow! I had know idea that having a crawler would be so much work. She is sort of like a little vacuum and finds even the tiniest little things for us. She is just becoming her own little person and we love it!

She got her two bottom teeth right after she turned 6 months old and her top 2 teeth have just popped through this week! I love the teeth, but miss that gummy grin! She is all sorts of baby food too! She is a huge fan of the fruits and orange veggies, but not so much the green ones. But I mean, who really is a fan of green veggies??

She also makes all kinds of new sounds like dada and mama! So fun to hear those words even though she has know idea what they mean.

To say she loves Oak would be the biggest understatement of the century. She adores him and could spend all day laughing at him. He just gives her a little attention, but she loves it. Sometimes he gets her all riled up right before her nap and she refuses to sleep, but I love when he plays with her.

She sleeps 12 hours at night and takes 2 naps each day. Her naps are not too consistent one day they can be 2 hours and the next 20 minutes. Just can't figure her out on her naps.

She LOVES being outside. She cries anytime I walk close to the door or window and we don't go out. Once we are out we see the biggest grin and she claps her hands together! So sweet!

She is also a daddy's girl! Brian usually comes home when we are just sitting down for dinner and the other night he was running late. She was turned around the entire time looking at the door, in what I can only imagine as anticipation for daddy to come home. So sweet!

We Love our La La and are so thankful for all the sweet joy she gives us each day!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Alright so here is my quarterly ambush of blog posts to catch everyone up on the last 4 months of our life! I really do want to be a blogger, but it is one of those things that I need to come to grips with that a blogger I am not.

Here is the "oakdate" (a.k.a. update on Oak)

Oak is now almost a 3 and 1/2 year old! Can you believe that? Not only is he a 3 and 1/2 year old, but one of the most amazing 3 and 1/2 year olds that I know!

We named Oak after a verse in Isaiah 61. It says "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for the display of his splendor."

That has been our prayer for him that he will "display the splendor of the Lord." We see it often in him. I think that God has wired him for a love for people and for friends and will use that in his life as he gets older. Everywhere we go he wonders if there are going to be new friends there and is always inviting strangers to our house to play. I love this about him!

I guess the biggest thing that is going on in is that he has started preschool! It has been so good for him! He loves it and even referred to his teacher as his best friend. He comes home so excited about what he has created at school. He writes his letters now and will sit and do crafts with me. Believe me, I thought this day would never come! He just does not like to sit still.
We love preschool and are so thankful for his teachers and for what he is learning about the Bible, academically and socially. His best friends are three little girls in his class.

One of my favorite things is the way Oak plays with Lawson now. He sometimes doesn't like her being around now that she is mobile, but when he does play with her it is so fun. He can get her so riled up! She just loves him so much.

Oak is still into spooky, however, we are trying to get him to take a break. It is kind of creeping me out a little bit. This is the song that he was singing last night:
You better not cry, you better not pout I am telling you why, spooky things will come tonight.

Ahhh! Creepy!!

We are trying to get him into other things!! You'll see his Halloween costume on another post.

He loves life and just making people laugh! I think he is a lot like his daddy! He also loves Young Life and the Young Life leaders! It has been a fun part of our week to have weekly visits from the Holly Springs YL team! They have been so good to him and he asked me the other day if they were his Young Life leaders! So sweet!

Believe me, this kid is not 100% sweet and he has his temper moments and spends quite a bit of the day in the naughty step for having a bad attitude, but he is pretty awesome and we feel so blessed to be a part of his life.

We love this little 3 and 1/2 year old to the moon and back!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We have a 3 year old?!?!?

It is true! We officially have a three year old! I can't believe it! It seriously seems like yesterday I was crying my eyes out wondering why they were going to let this baby come home with me. I am glad they did because it has been amazing to have Oak be the kid who got our family started.

We had an awesome time celebrating Oak. He woke up Friday morning to a room full of balloons and streamers, followed by heart pancakes with candles, a trip to the Durham Life and Science Museum with some good friends, no nap and Chick-fil-a for dinner. It was a wonderful birthday.

On Saturday we had his party at his favorite park that he calls the "crazy park." We had a superhero themed party complete with the most amazing superhero cake ever made by my sister-in-law. The kids just played at the park and we ate breakfast and had cake. Oak was mostly interested in his presents and really couldn't wait to open them. Once all the presents were open he stood and thanked everyone for coming to his party.

It was really wonderful to be able to celebrate Oak all weekend. I have heard that three is easier than two from some people and that it is harder from some people. So far I feel like it has been the same, not better not worse. I am not sure what to expect, but I am excited to have another year to love Oak and to watch him learn and grow daily.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oaky Pokey

Where do I begin??? Oak is one of the most amazing kids that I know. I am sure that everyone says that about their kids, but I mean really he is amazing!

In less than a week our little guy will be 3, which I just can't believe! I can't believe how time flies and how much he has grown in the course of a year. I thought at 2 he was such a kid, but now he really is a kid. I often tell him that I want to freeze him right now (which he freaks out because he wants to grow big) because I just love this age.

He is at a point of complete understanding and able to carry on conversations. He asks "why" about everything, which is sometimes annoying, but overall I love it because how great is it that he is asking questions, I normally though just have to make up stuff because I have no idea about most of the things he asks about or if I say "I don't know" he will say "let's get the ipad and google it."

He has mastered the art of negotiating and procrastinating. It amazes me how well he can negotiate with me with logical arguments which usually I give in because I am more amazed that he has such a well thought out argument. The kid can procrastinate. Our going to bed ritual has turned into an hour of Oak getting in and out of his bed. It is really cute though. He just sneaks into wherever we are with the sweetest smile, like you can't be mad at me because I am being really cute. Honestly, I really love it if I can get past the fact of how late it actually becomes by the time he actually goes to sleep! I remember when he was little saying that I couldn't wait till he was old enough to run around saying that he wasn't going to bed and I couldn't wait until he would wake up in the morning and come and jump in our bed! It is so sweet, except not when it is earlier than 7:00, that drives me a little crazy!

What Oak has been into this year:
A game called dark, dark woods (played with little people and eww toys)
stories and shows (where he tells us what to do and we act it out with his people)
Robots (the movie, seriously I think we might have watched it 200 times. It is also a little freaky that he really likes the "chop shop" scenes which are a little scary he usually skips the "pages" to get to those scenes)
Disney Movies (mostly toy story, but also loves peter pan, a bug's life, monsters inc. and the incredibles)
Frog on a Log (a game that he and Brian play, where he jumps on Brians back while pretending to be a frog jumping on a log while brian tells a story)
The Ipad (he can work this thing better than I can)
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Bugs & Insects (he loves bugs and even Lawson gave him a bug book, toy bugs and a game when she was born. He loved her instantly)

As of more recently he loves:
Superheroes (he loves Spiderman and Batman and he likes to pretend to be superboy)
Dark Spooky things (This concerns us a little bit and we feel as though we might have the next Tim Burton on our hands, but we guess it is better than him being afraid of things)

Cute/Crazy/Embarrassing things that Oak has said recently:
*Upon seeing a dead bug he asked "When is that bug going to be alive again like Jesus"
*He asked one of our nurses at the hospital why she had a black face.
*In front of a bunch of people at the hospital who didn't know I had a c-section he asks to see the hole that baby Lawson came out of
*He loves to tell jokes, his most recent ones:
Why couldn't the key stick in the hole? Because it was banana...(he proceeds to say "get it, it was a banana..get it?)
What did the frog jump on? A ball
What did the rabbit jump on? A carrot
He told me these last night while procrastinating going to bed and as I walk away I hear "Those were really funny jokes")

He really does say some of the craziest things! We love this kid and hope you enjoy these sweet pictures of our sweet kid!

La La

Lawson is 3 months old and I just can't believe how time flies! I remember with Oak just wanting him to get bigger and to start doing things, but with Lawson I feel like it is going by so fast! I guess I just enjoy her so much more than I did Oak (not that I didn't love Oak) but it is just easier with the second kid. I refer to Oak as my practice kid. I guess once I could see that he ended up okay (for the most part and as of now) that you really can't mess up and it makes me a little more laid back with her. I just seem to worry less with Lawson and seem to just enjoy each day instead of always looking forward to the next phase.

It is amazing to me how different and she and Oak are. It really is amazing how God just makes everyone so different from the very beginning. She really might be the sweetest baby EVER! You just look at her and she just beams out this most precious smile.

Around 2 months she started to become more than just a lump. That is when she started smiling, laughing, and cooing and gooing like crazy! One of my favorite things to do is just have conversations with her. I was really shocked at how much she chats because Oak was the quietest baby.

She is super strong. I fear that we might have another early walker on our hands! She began rolling over from her front to her back at 2 and 1/2 months. She tries really hard to roll from back to front, but hasn't quite mastered that yet. She can hold her head up by herself in spite of me not giving her much tummy time. I always forget to do it!

When she was born she had her days and nights very confused, which I figured she would because she was always up and kicking in the middle of the night. She hated being swaddled (just like Oak) and would always kick out of her swaddle and just have the most restless sleep, so she spent the first few weeks of her life just sleeping with us in our bed. I had the hardest time trying to keep her awake during the day too. She just wanted to sleep all day! In a way it made it easier to adjust because I was able to just hold her and play with Oak, but it was really hard at night when she would just be awake, not fussy or crying just bright eyed and ready to play.

It just seemed to fix itself. I think with Oak I tried to fix everything or though about everything so much, when most of the time everything just works itself out. So around 3 weeks she began to stay up more during the day and slept in greater intervals during the night. Her typical routine was to eat at 11, 2 & 5. Which was way better than up every five minutes.

Somewhere around 12 weeks she learned to suck her thumb and began sleeping all night long. She now goes to sleep around 8, we dream feed her at 11 and she will sleep until 7:30/8:00 in the morning. It is great because Oak gets up around 7 which allows me to get him fed before she wakes up. Oak never did this until we had to eventually let her cry, so the first night she did I woke up around 3 freaking out! I frantically ran into her room only to find her sucking on her sweet little thumb.

As of now she loves attention from anybody, doing How big is big, hanging out under her playmat, and music.

Enjoy the sweet warned her smile will make you melt!